In the current extraordinary circumstances, some dairy farmers may well find themselves calling upon inexperienced staff to help them complete daily tasks such as milking the cows and cleaning the parlour following milking. This can be stressful for all involved, especially when best hygiene practice is necessary to ensure good animal health and welfare and optimal milk quality. We hope that these simple guides help you protect your animals and the quality of your milk
Deosan® Smart & Sustainable Dairy Farm Solutions

The demands on producing high-quality milk continue to increase: sustainable production combined with the welfare of the animal and its environment are prerequisites. Yet this must also be done with an acute awareness and control of costs.
While these can often be conflicting objectives, Deosan solutions deliver on all. We never lose sight of the importance of producing milk of the highest hygienic quality. Our products and protocols work together to complement your cows' defences, deliver cost savings and support carbon output efficiencies, delivering a measurable return.
Improving Cash Efficiency and Milk Quality
Cash efficiency is paramount. You need to extract every bit of monetary value by obtaining the going rate for the highest quality milk. In satisfying consumer preferences for safe milk and advancing your livestock’s welfare, we deliver a clear return on investment and an increase in your revenues.

Committed to Safe Milk
Developing safe, world-class chemistry is fundamental. Our efficient solutions avoid harmful or environmentally damaging ingredients and acknowledge the different seasonal challenges that confront farming. Our global insights validate the highest standards of hygiene and nutrition. We support your ambitions in achieving a sustainable environment from our vision of responsible land management. Our approach incorporates the safest methods and materials with unique expertise across the complete food chain to protect against bacteria and disease. We raise the value of milk so you achieve a better result for less.
Please contact your Diversey representative to confirm local product range and availability.